Wednesday, July 6, 2011

To MBA, or not to MBA, that is the question

Status: Fire

I’ve had my CPA license for less than a year, and you would think that I’d be satisfied with that. I’m not, and I feel like I need to do more. I think maybe an MBA is the answer. I’m not going to stop working to get one, but some of the schools in the state offer online / evening classes, so working full time and working on an MBA is definitely a possible goal. Still, there are disadvantages. Here is a list of the Pro’s and Con’s as I see them
1.       Will help me do what I want to do my last 15 years of working, teach.
2.       Will allow access out of accounting should I want to get out.
3.       I will feel more respect for myself.
4.       It will give me another challenge to attack.
1.       All in all it will cost around $40,000.
2.       It will take away time from my family.
3.       It will take time away from other side projects (like this blog).
4.       It may not result in a substantial increase to my quality of life.
Hmm, I guess that’s pretty even, but I’m definitely still leaning toward going for it.
First things first though, I need to take the GMAT. Hoorah, Another test to pass! At the very least taking this will let me know if I can even get into a MBA program. I will let everyone know further details as they become available.

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